A week of unimpressive training had finally come to an end. Weekdays passed by, in just a blink of an eyes. Struts my frets as I've missed school for 4days and still counting. I will be scheduled to missed the first few days of Mid Year Exam as well. How could this be happening to me??*nadir nadir* Alright, subside that.I'd be leaving to Semenyih on the exact week the exams starts. 'Thank' whoever I'm supposed to thank for such an 'orderly-arranged' schedule.=( After everything, I'm set to sit for my Mid Year Exam which is something I doubted long time ago that I could do well.
Ahhhh, maybe I should look at the bright side of everything. Lets see, I will be away from home for 4days, getting new jersey and tee from the authorities, spending time with bunch of jokers and most importantly, I will be playing basketball!hahaha.. AND I'm gonna flunk my exam! AMAZING! Hmmmm, don't care larh..
Anyways,on 8th of May I had a night-out with my friends because its Mr. Hema's birthday. Boy you're 17 already.. Damn, you old freak.. hahahaha.. We gave him surprise at school, bought him a birthday cake and sang him a song. He was deeply touched i think, okay im not really sure about that, but still touched ok. Surprise, cake, song, clubs, and he's 17 years old already! HappY Birthday Bro!
People, the main point is still: I had a horrible weekdays training under the hot sun. aiiiyerr! I need justice!! How can they run a training under the hot sun?!! HUH!!! Okay shit, that's what they've been doing for the past few years. Never mind... so shitty lar..