Sunday, March 22, 2009

ACS IU Day 09!

There are more pictures actually.. I've tried... =(

Indeed it was a successful one. Many showed up yesterday for the IU and yes, I had so much fun. Alongside with fascinating performances and peoples, the event I once thought that it will be a turmoil turns out good. That is why I didn't even bother to appear early as I was told to. Well, as soon as I arrived, I see familiar faces and unfamiliar faces. Then, I took a slot at the receptionist and helped out a little while.

To the show, it is so obvious that the second half of the IU outclassed the first half. 'Thanks' to the speeches given by numerous people that pulls away the excitement of the whole event. After our light refreshment, marks the beginning of the second half which practically awakes the half asleep crowd. It was followed by The Italian Runway, coolio band performances, hilarious sketch, and etc etc. Back then, I was reluctant to attend, then onwards I was upset that the event was going to end. Things come and go. So it all ended just like that, we celebrated our success in the auditorium and was told to evacuate after a while. I was supposed to get back home early, instead, I stayed back till late evening as I was hanging out with my friends. Mcd is what we ate and snooker is what we played. *i have to admit i sux at it* It's time, we are all tired and off we go.

I got home and i got screwed. *LOL* hahaha. I've got my own transport back home and I forgot to inform my mum. She was waiting for me I assume. hahaha. She said, 'why are you late and why didn't tell me that you've got your own way home?, what have u been doing throughout the day? what event was that u're attending?' I replied, 'Its an IU day mum'. Then, 'what day again? what did u do there?' I said, 'I told u mum, i'm helping out my school for a fashion show' 'so u modelled again? that's it boy, u're so irresponsible! u came home late and u didn't even call me up to inform me that u have your own transport back. you're not gonna model again im telling u, and enough with all these events' she said.

I'm pretty much saddened to be true, and that caused me a pull out on Sri Lethia's IU day*im not suppose to model again remember*. I promised to help her out for the fashion show, and now? The future is still undecided. Great! I feel really bad. *whispers* =(

Yesterday I LOVE! As soon as I got home, I HATE. hahahahaha.. Nevermind.. 'YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE' Adapt that slogan and make changes. hahaha. *signing off*

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