Thursday, January 21, 2010


When knee meets muscle, they become extremely lovable and intimate and live happily ever after.haha? Yes? Noooo! When this happens, fairy tales shouldn't be brought into the picture at all in the first place! haha What happened was, I played basketball today, and as I was dribbling the ball, I tried to dribble pass this guy. In the process of doing so, half way through I assume, that guy used his knee to block me. Apparently that attempt of trying to block me with his knee has caused me a 'dreadful' injury on my leg. His knee knocked hard on part of my leg's muscle. =(

I wanted to shout 'WTF' so badly, but I didn't! HAHAHA. Instead, I succumbed to it and consent reluctantly and acted as if only a belittled impact hit me. But never mind, he's only a young boy, oh wait I don't know exactly how old is he but still, I'm willing to forgive him. I'ma take my time to massage the affected area and the worse thing is, I'm working tomorrow (10am-6pm). ehhwahh ehhwahh.. how to stand? hehe. Tak ape larh.. =) Goodnight people.. =*

-signing off-

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